Export Regulation of Balsa Wood Indonesia
Balsa wood export regulation from Indonesia had change by Ministry of Trade. The new regulation sindication with Permendag No.64/M-DAG/PER/10/2012 revise old regulation Permendag No.20/M-DAG/PER/5/2008. What is change principally especially for balsa wood as below :
- All of thebalsa wood exporter from Indonesia should have SVLK (Certificate of Verification Wood Legality). This certificate issued by some body that has been appointed and acredited by goverment (BSN). Who they are, you could find here. SVLK could be assure to all customer that balsa wood Indonesia was come from legal source. Although in the fact, balsa wood mostly come from forest plantation not come from Natural Forest.
- Limitation of balsa block size. Maximum balsa block could be exported from Indonesia is only 4000 mm2 in cross-sectional area per pieces of balsa block. Thats mean if customer need balsa block width 100 mm so maximum thickness only 40 mm. For balsa length without limitation. This regulation used for all grade of Balsa. Balsa Block item use HS 4407.22.10.00 which include all of board that dressed/planed at four surface, thickness size more than 6mm. Export tax for balsa block is 5%. If exporter want to pay zero tax so they could make balsa block as decorative board with give radius grooving minimal 3 mm(R3) at least for 2 corner of each balsa block. Decoratif board use HS 4409.10.00.00
- Limitation of cross sectional area for each board of Balsa Laminated BoardPanel maximum is 4000 mm2. If the world customer would like import balsa panel in form laminated board from Indonesia size 50 x 600 x 1000 mm (for example) so each board should be have maximum size 50 x 80 x 1000 mm. This item use HS no.4412.94.00.00. Export tax for balsa panel is 0%
- Limitatation of cross sectional area for each board of BCB (End Grain Balsa Block and BCB sheet) is 6000 mm2. This item also use HS no. 4412.94.00.00. Export tax for BCB is 0%
- Balsa sheetand strip maximum size thickness is 6 mm. This item use HS no. 4408.10.90.00. If exporter would like to send balsa sheet 7 mm and up so they should use HS number for balsa block. Export tax for balsa sheet is 15%
- Other balsa product like glider, model, and other could use item as toys that out of these regulation without tax.
Balsa wood indonesia more growth in plantation, industry, and export. All of stakeholder in this bussiness wish to goverment regarding friendly regulation that could support balsa wood industry and export.
If you have any question let contact us for free guidence.
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